Sunday, October 21, 2012

Focus, Boredom or Tedium??

Okay, so today was an exercise in mental focus. Anyone who has spent much time around a pool knows that these lines can cause you to go into a "zombie-like state".  I tend to have a hard time keeping count of my laps even on short sessions.  Well, my last long swim before Ironman Florida and the beginning of my taper for that race was today.  Unfortunately, I was unable to get in an open water swim over at my friend's house on the lake this weekend, so I had to swim 4625 yards in the pool -- following that lane line for almost a full 90 minutes.
Sometimes, life is a lot like swimming in the pool and following the lane line.  You can go into a zone, you can just keep plugging along and you don't notice anything around you.  That isn't always bad, especially if you never really unplug from life.  However, I think we have to be careful to unplug too much.  We need to stay engaged in our lives with the people who matter most, within our chosen communities that we surround ourselves, and to look for ways to connect with others.  Isn't life all about connecting and establishing community?  Otherwise, all we will do is follow the lane line and miss out on everything that is going on around us, and that can be boring and tedious.
How do you connect?

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